D. Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)

The Institution agrees to publish this overall strategy (all three parts) on its website within one month after the signature of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education by the European Commission.

Please describe your institution’s international (EU and non-EU) strategy. In your description please explain a) how you choose your partners, b) in which geographical area(s) and c) the most important objectives and target groups of your mobility activities (with regard to staff and students in first, second and third cycles, including study and training, and short cycles). If applicable, also explain how your institution participates in the development of double/multiple/joint degrees. (max. 5000 characters)

Original language [ EN ]

The Erasmus Card is a very useful tool to cope with our students’ needs to become European citizens, through the acquisition of social, personal , cultural and especially democratic competences to achieve a technical-professional and personal development within a global European framework.

To be able to achieve this goal choosing your partners and the objetives to get is a really important task.

a)Choosing your partners:

There is an important participation of the students when choosing partners through the search, contact and selection beforehand of collaborating companies in the training in workplaces. This way we make our students take part and be responsible when taking decisions, reducing considerably future conflicts. We have been working for some years with methodological innovation so that our students take part in their own training.

b)Geographical area:

There are not established places to go. They will depend on the students’ needs, making it possible an improvement of both their linguistic and whole training in European companies that provide them.

However, the school has contacts in companies in countries such as Italy and France, contacts carried out in the framework of other European projects (Leonardo da Vinci).

c) Objectives:

The specific and operative objectives of the programme sought after in the project are the following:

-To improve their professional, linguistic, social, computer, organizative, cultural and personal habilities.

-To acquire an experience the participants will be able to include in their CV and that will make a difference with respect to their competitors when getting a job.

-To get a certificate that supports the competences and the acquired habilities . These certificates are the ones of the language courses carried out in Spain and in the foreign country, apart from the certificate of mobility Europass that guarantees their stay in the country.

-To improve the knowledge of the foreign language, especially speaking.

-To improve their cultural knowledge , to get to know other cultures and other costumes and to appreciate and respect the cultural differences among countries.

-To learn how to be independent and autonomous and not to be afraid of going out to other countries in the EU. It is important that they understand that there is a world of professional options in other European countries and that staying in the native country is not the only possible option to take into account.

-Getting to learn other ways to work beneficial for the professional practice, with innovations from other working places.

-To motivate other students in after courses so that they make a big effort to get the best possible results and thus being able to be chosen as participants for the project.

-This project will be beneficial for “Cartuja” Secondary School because it will make its educative offer more attractive for other possible students since the number of students is falling down. Therefore, this project will be useful to relaunch the school as an educative, formative, practical and qualified option for potential students.

d)This project is meant for the students in High Vocational Educational Training in Administration and Finance, specifically to undertake the professional branch of Training in Working places (practice in companies).

If applicable, please describe your institution’s strategy for the organisation and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme. (max. 2000 characters)

Original language [EN]


As it was stated before, the agreements achieved with organisms and non-making profit institutions which carry out social tasks are highly important for the school.

Please explain the expected impact of your participation in the Programme on the modernisation of your institution (for each of the 5 priorities of the Modernisation Agenda*) in terms of the policy objectives you intend to achieve. (max. 3000 characters)

Original language [EN]


With this programme we want to achieve that:

-Students have more opportunities of getting a job.

-To reduce leaving school early.

-To improve the school image as an European institution that provides new ways of training and learning.

-To improve the mobility of our students and teachers, making possible an all-round, cultural and linguistic training.

-To provide other ways of training and learning in the relationships established with companies from other countries.

-To contribute to the innovation of new working ways and services that provide the mobility in companies.

-An improvement in the students’ training making them participants in taking decisions.