The project Leonardo da Vinci «Crecemos con la formación en Europa” ends up with two mobilities that would not have been possible without Nino and Federica, managers and facilitators of a great team of people who have made, day to day, that the students undertaking their practice period in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto feel at home.

For the people at IES Cartuja  who have worked on this project and who helped  in «MEP Europroject Granada» has been a real pleasure to read the comments of the participants, the assessment carried out about their stay, the treatment of the people in Sicily and the support of the people responsible of EprojectConsult who have made of this journey an unforgettable experience.

During their stay, students participated in various activities which outside the training practice have contributed to enrich their whole training. An example of all that is this video celebrating Europe’s Day.
Thanks Nino and Federica.