Last Friday 21st February, our VII ENGLISH MEETING «The Universe through IES CARTUJA» started up, hand in hand to our XII Cultural Week «El Universo a través de los ojos del IES CARTUJA».
The chosen topic has to do with an Erasmus + KA3 project our school is taking part in together with Granada University, Italian and Turkish Universities and some other European schools.
Our students have worked on the NASA mainly, from the origin, goals, secrets, inventions we would not have without the NASA investigations for space missions, curiosities… Etc. Our exhibition room has become a NASA room where some students present their works to the rest of students in the school and where they can do some research about the space: what’s a black hole?, where do space crafts go when the die?…
To sum up, the topic of the Erasmus+ KA3 project is not only being carried out by the students directly involved in the project itself, but also by the rest of the students in the school through the English Department and other school departments.
Les dejamos un breve vídeo de las Jornadas Inglesas 2020, cuyo tema principal ha sido La NASA. A través de este hilo conductor los alumnos de los diferentes grupos han trabajado sobre los orígenes, los objetivos de la NASA, inventos que disfrutamos gracias a los viajes espaciales, los secretos de la NASA, la NASA y el cine… Todo ésto se ha hecho a través de presentaciones orales de unos alumnos a otros (por supuesto en Inglés), exposición de infografia e investigación en el aula de exposiciones.
Se ha completado con la magnífica presentación de Verónica Whittaker sobre cultura británica y con el tradicional té con pastas y bizcochos ofrecido por el departamento de inglés.
María Victoria García González.